Ok, so I have dedicated this entire weekend to Matt Damon. As you know.....his new movie, The Bourne Ultimatum came out last night. AND NO I DIDN'T SEE IT YET....SO NO SPOILERS PLEASSSSEEEEE!

I am actually going to go see it tomorrow night with a girlfriend of mine. (Damn, if that doesn't sound super duper gay....I dunno what does HAHA) Anywho, I am devoting this afternoon to watching the previous two movies to reacquaint myself with the story-line in preparation for tomorrow's festivities. I have always been a huge fan of Matt's work, and the Bourne series is definitely one of my favorite film franchises of all time.
Speaking of film franchises, I got into a fight with one of my friends the other day over this hypothetical situation. Who do you think would win in a fight between James Bond and Jason Bourne? As much as I love Matt's character, I was ADAMANT that James Bond would totally kick his ass, but my friend vehemently disagreed. Guys, it was honestly like a 20 min back-and-forth convo between us where no one really made strong enough points to dissuade the other from his position. LOL! It's funny how you can get into an argument with someone over the most inane things.
Ok back on topic!
So basically, all of the above that I wrote was really just a opening for what I REALLY wanted to share, which is the fact that I.........K..........actually saw......and got in w/in 5 feet of Matt Damon. GASP!!!
Ok, so it was Dec. 05, and I was at Heathrow getting ready to fly back to Miami after my semester abroad in Europe. Anyways, I am in line about to board the flight, just minding my own business and all of a sudden I hear this girl scream out of my left year. Naturally I turned around to see what the heck was going on anddddddd who is it other than Matt fucking Damon hand in hand with this then pregnant girlfriend (now wife, Luciana). So naturally being the ridiculous person I am, I screamed out...HOLY SHIT ITS MATT DAMON!
So basically about 6 people in front of me turn around and are like...what?...... who?......where? ......what did you say? Of course I point to Matt....walking towards us (because clearly I have no scruples and I missed that lesson from Mom that said pointing was in bad taste). He was in a tight white long-sleeved polo, jeans, dark shades and of course....a Boston Red Socks Cap!
First Impressions....
- HE IS SO SHORT! Seriously guys, I know that the camera usually makes people look much taller (except in the case of Danny DeVito and Tom Cruise) but I did not expect him to be so short. I am 5'10 1/2 (don't laugh at the 1/2..its important) and I was at eye level with him. Also important to note was that he had on some clunky-ass Doc Marten shoes which obvs give you about 1/2 an inch or so. Suffice to say I was shocked to see how short he was.
- HE IS BUILT! Again, I was shocked to see how jacked he was! He has a ridiculously nice chest and his arms seemed really big in proportion to his size. I was very pleasantly surprised. (Damn you Luciana!)
Well it turns out that he was on my flight....but I was in business class and he was all shacked up in First (damn you Dad!!! You shoulda sprung me some first class seats!) Oh well, I guess I can say that I got to see Matt up close and personal, right? HAHA!
P.S......What's up with me and Matt's? Last week it was Matt Dallas and now it's Matt Damon. LOL, I just realized this! Seriously, I must have something for Matt's. Watch my first boyfriend be a Matt, I will die! HAHA.
First off, yes the name Matt is hot (woohoo!)
Second, the 1/2 does matter, being 5'10 1/2 myself I completely concur.
Third, I'm couldn't agree more about James Bond (especially Daniel Craig) kicking Jason Bourne's ass, but I still can't wait to see this movie. The first two were amazing, and they say this is the best of the three.
James would definitely kick Bourne's ass.
I have fantasised about making out with Matt Damon. He has very lush lips :)
sup, I rented bourne 1 tonight, need to watch the 2nd before I break out to theater for the 3rd. ahh yeah!
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