Ok, now lets get to something that has been truly pissing me off for the past couple of weeks at work.......THE MEN IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AND THEIR MISUSE OF THE DAMN URINAL!

Alright, now guys....the bowl is there right in front of you....AND ITS HUGE....there is no excuse not to be able to piss straight in it. NONE!
Why is it that every time I go to the bathroom, I am welcomed by a puddle of piss on the lip of the urinal? How short are these men's penises that they cannot manage to get all their piss into the bowl? Its just point and shoot guys....and the target IS HUGE....AND ITS RIGHT THERE!!
It just pisses me off (for lack of a better word) that every time I am in the bathroom I have to deal with this. And I feel so bad for the janitor...who honestly has to be in the bathroom like once every hour....because whenever I am in there I see him furiously trying to clean up after you old, apparently cross-eyed douche bags.
And while we are on the subject of bathroom etiquette....please do not try to start up a random conversation with me while I am at the urinal. Its really not the time or the place to talk about current events....like the fact that Karl Rove just resigned. Dude, how about you wait until I am finished pissing and maybe we can have a chat in the break room.....or if we are really in a hurry....we could talk at the sink, mmmmkay?
Oh, and while we are on the topic of the sink...........please wash your fucking hands.............WITH SOAP!

Running your hands under cold water for 2 seconds does not count. You might as well not even bother if your gonna do it half assed....just be out and proud in your griminess. Just don't expect me to shake your hand...or take anything from you for that matter.
/End Rant
Wow. That's at least a 7/10 rant. Good effort.
Even worse is when guys can't be bothered to flush the urinal when they are done. Is it really that hard to do?
Co-sign in regards to talking when pissing. Much worse however, is when a co-worker talks to you while you're dropping the kids off at the pool.
That crosses so many lines...
I hate being in a bathroom, washing you hands or something and the guy that just got done pissing just walks out. Makes me scared to know how many people do this and how many of them I've shaken hands with.
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