Friday, November 16, 2007

You Know You Need A Vacation When.......

You walk outside in your work clothes...and all the way down to your subway station (6 blocks) before you realize that you are still wearing these........

Bonus points for actually standing there for about 3 seconds 'actually' contemplating whether or not to go back and change them......

I did by the way.....begrudgingly of course (they are so comfortable)

Someone book me a ticket to Rio or sumthin so I can find me a hot Brazilian stud...LOL!


Jake said...

I stood in line at Starbuck's on the way to work one evening. People stared, but that's usual when you wear a uniform. I get to the counter and talk to my usual chatty persons there and she asks where my gun's at. I look down, and I'm wearing an empty gun was still in my nightstand...

B said...

LOL that is funny

Pete said...

Well, I went out in my work clothes one night, had only changed shoes, and was the most popular guy in the place.

I don't get gay men.

W said...

K you're so cute :0)
Can't wait to slap your batty behind when I come to NYC.

W said...

K you're so cute :0)
Can't wait to slap your batty behind when I come to NYC.

Mike said...

I would vote for keeping the slippers on... everyone else seems to go out with slippers. I see it with kids at my college, at the high school I work at

I have a habit of when I need to run to the grocery store wearing my pajama bottoms no matter how mismatched they are with what I have on.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

One day in a rush to work, I open my door and get hit with a wave of cool air, yep I was only wearing shirt socks and boxers, oops!
