Sunday, September 16, 2007

This Made Me LOL All Over Again

I remembered seeing this clip when it first aired and I almost died then. I remember I was laughing for about a hour straight after it was finished. I was laughing so hard in fact, that my mom came out of the kitchen (this was during the summer) and asked me if everything was alright. Anyways, I ran across it today again.......and predictably, I found myself on the floor in stitches.

She is quite skilled no?

I should take notes....L-M-F-A-O!

**I know I probably shouldn't be laughing at this so hard...but come on...this shit is have to admit it**


DB said...

I LOVE the Soup. It's the funniest thing ever, and they play that clip all the time. Love it.

Pete said...

My laptop can't handle vids... is she cocksucking a turd or something?

K said... is a pickle...and she is just licking it...but u should see her face, it's priceless!