Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kids Are So Cute.....

I think they are the most adorable things. I saw two separate events with kids involved that I just have to blog indulge me for a second.

#1: On Monday I was on the way back to my place during rush hour...aka the train was packed to the hilt! Anyways there was this really really hot Latin guy that was standing in front of me. I later found out that he was Puerto Rican by the silver pendant that was around his neck. Clearly I was a happy camper just standing there taking in the sights and enjoying the to speak.

Then he turned around.....

He had the most amazing ass I have seen in a long time. It was perfection. Apparently the little girl in the stroller parallel to him had the same idea.....because she reached out and patted his ass 3 times in rapid succession. Mind you, this girl could not have been more that two! Needless to say, everyone in the train started cracking up and saying "awwwwww" including myself. The mother was so embarrassed that she turned red and she reached to pull the little girls hand away from this guy's culo. Then the guy did the funniest thing...he turned around and asked the girl "do you like what you see?" and everyone in the train practically died with laughter. I was giggling like crazy and internally I wondered if I would have received the same reaction had it been me that tapped his ass! LOLOL!

#2: Tuesday I was in the subway station again (a theme perhaps?) and there was this little girl with what looked to be her Grandmother having an extremely involved conversation. Apparently Nana was trying to teach her grandbaby the names of fingers. She would point to one of her fingers and the little girl ( <3) would say "what dat?" and her grandmother would say that it was a thumb, pointer finger etc etc....

Anyways after she went through that a couple of times Nana was ready to see if the little one had learned anything. So she held up the little girl's hand and started pointing to her fingers and asked her what the name of each one was. The little girl, bless her heart...was on such a roll until she got to the ring finger. I should also note that a crowd had formed around the stroller about his time to see this wonder baby......

Nana: "Now what is this one honey?"
Little Girl: "Ah.....that's my WINKY"
Nana: "What is it?"
Little Girl: "It's my WINKY....look!"

LOL! Bless her heart....she clearly got a bit confused with her ring finger and her pinky and just decided to put the two words together and call that finger her winky. Everyone was cracking up and a couple of people (including myself) gave the obligatory "awwwwwwwww". HAHA, so cute!

Anyways, kinda random I know....but I just thought I would share.

And I'm sorry if you don't think that is adorable....that clearly means that you have no soul!


Closeted said...

LOL, that is so cute and you should have totally tap that ass.

Pete said...

Definitely cute. I still don't want any children without an "off" switch though.

Spenc said...

Cue Whitney: "I believe the children are our future... Let them laugh and let them lead the way..."

...right to hot latino ass!

God Bless 'Em!