Sunday, October 14, 2007

Putting Things In Perspective

Death has a funny way of doing that to you, doesn't it?

And to think, I was here sitting in my room worrying about the silliest and most inane things. You really realize how insignificant your problems are when you learn about a death in the family.

I just got off the phone with my Mom, apparently my Grams passed away last night.

She was having some problems late last week with some internal bleeding...but as of Friday the doctors said she was doing great. One of them even said that she was one of the strongest 90+ year old women that he has ever run across....

As bad as I feel now though....I am happy that she had an opportunity to live such a long life. It is definitely a blessing that not many get. I am also grateful that I had a chance to see her recently at my cousin's wedding when I was back in Jamaica. When family members get to that just really have to see them and talk to them as much as possible, because you really never know.

I remember that before I left, she told me how proud she was of me getting into grad school....and she said that she always knew I would make it. :(

I guess I will be out of the country sometime within the coming weeks. No arrangements have been made yet but it is so sad that she couldn't hold on for another week, because my parent's where flying down there on the 19th for their Goddaughter's wedding.

Death is never convenient tho.......


B said...

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hang in there,K.

Anonymous said...

You said it right, I know from experience that death is never convenient.

Sorry to hear about your granma, I am sure she lived quite a life and that she is taking a huge eternal break from life on Earth.

Pete said...

Sorry to hear the news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Matt in Argyle said...

I'm very sorry for you loss. It's never nice to lose someone, especially a grandparent.

Closeted said...

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. But it sounds like she had a great long life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

So sorry K for your loss, the greatest thing you can do for her memory is use any positive messages you received from her to guide you on the right path through life. *Hug*


Mike said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. Death is never easy. Hang in there!