Wednesday, October 10, 2007

K's Pet Peeves...

A partial list of things have have been especially irritating to me since I moved to no particular order.

- People who don't say thank you as/after you hold the door for them.

- People who smoke directly in front of buildings.

- People who talk on their cell phones in crowded elevators.

- People who walk smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk (bonus points for those who are xtra fat and do this....or who stop every two feet)

- People who crowd the subway doors as your pulling into the station leaving you with no way to get out of the train.

- People who hide behind newspapers when they see an older person on pregnant woman get on the train. (as if we don't notice you...fucking douchebag, get up so they can sit!)

- People who own large dogs in the city. (No lie, I saw some hipster twink walking a Great Dane in Washington Square Park the other day.....that is animal cruelty to have such a large dog in the city....I don't care what anyone says)

- People who wear sunglasses indoors. (Try to be a bit more pretentious for me please....thanks!)

That's all for now....i'll add more as more people irritate me...LOL!


Queen of Arts said...

one of my pet peeve's is when people rush onto the elevator without giving the people already in the car a chance to exit.

Matt in Argyle said...

Nice list!
I would add, people who don't bother holding the door for the person after them.

It is only about .5sec of their life, but for some reason they really had to rush to wait for the elevator.

Mike said...

Sounds like a good, complete list.

My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers who don't think.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Yup! I'm with you on all of these! Add to that the people on the semi crowed bus that sit on the outer edge of the seat so people can't sit down with them, plus when you have to ask them to move in towards the window they roll their eyes as if it was some great inconvenience to their life.


JUSTIN said...

The door thing bothers the shit out of me. Maybe it's because I'm a Midwesterner, but not saying thank you, even for doing such a small favor as holding a door open, really bothers me.

Closeted said...

I agree especially with the wearing sunglasses indoors, that annoys me soo much.

Anonymous said...

Amen to ALL of that! Great List.