Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I Feel Really Shitty.

Not physically.....physically I am great.

But emotionally speaking, I have just been feeling really horrible.

And the thing is, it so much more than dealing with my sexuality. I mean, I've come to terms with the fact that I am gay, and even though I really wish it wasn't the case for me.....I realize that there is nothing I can (or anyone else can) do about it. And that is...for the most part, OK.

I just don't understand why I have been in such a rut the past couple of days but I can't really seem to muster up the will to care about anything. I just don't care anymore.......and that is so out of character for me. I mean I go to class, participate and I still visit friends here in the city and do my everyday, normal things.....but for the most part I almost feel like I am watching myself do these things and not really engaging in them.

I just don't feel like I am really all here.

At first I thought it was because maybe I was getting homesick, but really.....I could care less about Florida. I mean, minus my parents, grandmother and like 5 close friends I don't really care about that place. Moreover, this isn't the first time I have been away from home for an extended period of time, I studied abroad in England for this whole distance thing isn't new to me.

Then I was like, "well maybe it is school......maybe I am stressed out with classes." But you know what, that isn't it either. I am ok with my classes and minus a few hours of panic every Monday evening before Neuropsychology...I really don't feel that swamped with school.

Then I thought maybe it was work, but then I quickly dismissed that idea since....if we are being isn't really that difficult. I mean I basically sit in front of a computer 16 hours a week and just type. It isn't that big of a deal...and it shouldn't make me depressed.

So then I thought that perhaps the reason why I am so bummed out all the time is because I am lonely. And to be honest with you......I was up until about 4 the other night contemplating whether or not this was the case.

And you know what.....I don't that this is the reason either. I mean of course I don't have a boyfriend, and of course I am not in a relationship.....but again, this isn't anything new to me. I have never been in a relationship and I have no idea how it feels to be not alone. Hell, even growing up I was pretty much alone (save for my parents) so I am very used to this.

So basically, in all facets of my life...I am doing pretty much the same thing that I have always been doing but yet, I am starting to feel worse than I think I have ever felt before. I mean you wouldn't know it by looking at me because I make it a point not to put all my feelings on Front Street. I doubt that my family or friends have noticed a difference in me...I suppose I am just a really good actor, I dunno.

I don't even really know how to put my feelings into words...I just don't know. All I know is that I don't feel well and I have no idea how to go about changing it. Isn't this ironic coming from an individual who is a grad student in Psychology? Somehow I seem to be capable of helping everyone else with their emotional issues, but I have no idea how to deal with my own.

What is even worse is that if I was ever to speak to someone about whatever is going on in my head......I wouldn't even be able to verbalize what I am feeling because I don't even know myself. How horribly, horribly sad.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sending a *HUG* little buddy!


Pete said...

Gay depression. It happens, no other way but to sit it out and come to terms with it.

Sorry, dude, part of the life. Wish it was different.

dit said...

Not easy at all.Hang in there. You do need a hug. It will all be ok. That is one of the best features about life. You think nothing is going on, then then next thing you know, something makes you smile. Take care and know you are appreciated.

Troystopher said...


Mike said...

Aaaw man, that sucks. I'm just a phone call away if you want to talk...

JUSTIN said...

Hang in there K...I sometimes get into shitty moods that last for days but something always snaps me out of it.

Closeted said...

I have days like that too. I hope your feeling better.

J.R. said...

I dunno man, just cause you've never been in a relationship doesn't mean you can't feel lonely...

But these funks come and eventually go. The future, on the big scale, is bright for you.

Nothing Golden Stays

dan said...

hope you feel better soon bud, get some direction, have some fun. etc... it's a big big big city, you'll find SOMETHING. later.

Matt in Argyle said...

I've been there, I've gotten out of there, then I've been there again.
Feel better buddy.

Anonymous said...

I hope that eventually you find something that will snap you out of the rut. It concerns me that this mood is that complicating to figure out, but I am sure you'll get out of it.

I am here for ya. I'll surprise you in the nest few days with a call... Damn, its not a suprise anymore.

Jake said...

You don't have to explain how you're feeling for a few reasons: One, we know. Two, it would allow you to dwell on it. That's not to say that you shouldn't work through it, but don't dwell on the emotion. You don't have to be at the bottom of a pool to see to the bottom of it and know what's going on down there. Trust me, I know what the bottom of the pool looks like.

Spenc said...

I like to think of it as Man-struating. And like the feminine counter-occurance it comes and goes regularly.

It sucks. I wish there was a pill to take. Don't let it make you cynical. Chin up.

Welcome to Gaydom.

Sterling G. Smith said...

keep your wits about you while everything else is crappy. Stay true to yourself

Steve said...

Sorry for jumping on here so late, but I have to send some love south for you too. I can say with great certainty I have felt the way you do, and exactly as you said, the saddest part would be I can never sum up in one sentence what the problem was. It's very sad, and makes you feel even more desperate because you cannot identify what is bothering you on such a fundamental level.

I'm also with J.R. on this one, your future is bright man! It's just hard to give a shit about that when your present is so confusing.

Superchilled said...

Sometimes when everything else is going well and you're still feeling off, it means you're at a point of change in your life - the way you're thinking mught be changing - you might be looking at the world from a whole new perspective - and looking at a new way of existing in that world - and that itself can be terrifying,yet at the same time completely normal. So worry not and enjoy working though the obstacles life throws in front of you, and keeping your eye on the bigger picture.

Unknown said...

Hey I was just browsing the vastness of the internet and came across this. I was searching because that's how I feel right now, and I knew I can't be alone. I guess I was just searching for someone who may be able to describe it. Either way, reading that was nice. I'm not gay, and I've been in relationships before yet you described the indescribable feeling as best as I could think to put it. I don't know what to do with my life honestly.