So I met my friend who works for CNN up in Chelsea for dinner. As usual it was a great meal and we had a lot of great things to talk and laugh about. I've known him since high school and we are always joking and acting foolish whenever we get together. Anyways, after dinner, we decided to walk off our meal and head up to the Apple store on 5th so I could talk to someone about getting a new bezel for my iPhone. Like a dumbass, I scratched it last night on the sidewalk. Ugh...whatever, it isn't really that noticeable.....but I am just really anal about such things....LOL!
Anywho after that we found ourselves walking downtown on Broadway. It was a nice night out tonight and we figured...what the heck, might as well! Well guess who we passed walking the opposite direction right around Herald Square?!?!?! was Teddy John from the short-lived (but totally amazing) reality TV show on MTV, 8th & Ocean

So you already know my deal when I see someone famous (or in this case, semi-famous).....I totally cocked my head to the side and I said to my friend......."dude, isn't he that one kid from 8th and Ocean?!?!" So CNN Boy turns around and was like...."what" and I was like..."you know...that kid Terry!" ( the time I SWORE up and down that his name was Terry) CNN Boy was like...."dude, you mean Teddy!" And I was like.."dude Terry, Teddy whateverthefuck....that's him how much you wanna bet!" So we turned around and made it like we were going into the subway on 34th and sure enough...upon second glance he totally co-signed on my observation.
It was kinda sad actually because out of everyone who was standing around, I think that we were the only ones who recognized who he was. Let me just say, in person....the kid kinda looks ordinary EXCEPT FOR HIS EYES....which are seriously out of this fucking world. He is also pretty tall and nicely built (he is a model after all) but he has nooooo ass! In all honesty tho, that is just being EXTREMELY critical ....I mean the guy is like 1000x hotter than I would be on my best day.....true story.
So I bet you guys are asking yourselves..."why didn't you guys say hello since it is clear no one else noticed him?" Well he was on the phone and that's a shame because CNN Boy is totally the guy to walk up to someone and be like, "excuse me, are you so and so from such and such".....LOL! I would have loved to talk to him as well...but let's be real, I am kinda shy and I think it would be slightly inappropriate to start chatting with him on the street corner. Plus there is the whole thing about me being gay and perhaps showing a BIT too much interest in another guy with my friend right there.....oh wells!
Anyways, I think i've passed more celebs in the past month and half than I have in my entire life up to this point......but what do you expect walking around the streets of New York?
Kinda like Enrique huh?
Guess what I have to write my 30% paper on???? Women's sexual health!!! We have to read this pop self help book and then provide a thorough and nuanced critique based on emiprical research and the prof is anal about APA citations. Why coldn't I do a paper on homosexuals' sexual health?
Have you seen them filming Sex and The Ciy yet?
Keep those hands nice and manicured+ someone's up late. I guess you don't have neuro tomorrow or maybe you do, wednesday evening?
this guy is hotter than enrique iglesias!
I agree with him being average, but all he has that I like is the eyes. Very Stunning Eyyyyeeess, [wake up!]
I am also up late tonight, doing what I do best, cheating on sleep/bed with HW. Its to the point that my bed is going to throw me out of the room and demand that I sleep on the couch tomorrow.
corny? Its, 2:41am... Deal with it!
K you know we luv ya man so write what ever you want in your blog, we are still going to check it out. Besides I never see any famous people here so indulge me. : )
That guy does have amazing eyes. It is great to see celebs huh?
My BFF (I do hate myself a little for calling him that...) sees random Joe Nobodies all the time too. I guess I should start looking at people when I'm out in the city!
I'm much more of a "put in the earphones and get the fuck out of my way" kinda new yorker...
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