Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm So Disappointed....

So, anyone following the various ballot initiatives that are going down around the country will no doubt be familiar with the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in my home state of Florida.

Extremely disappointed...I cannot even tell you!

But just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I run across this gem on Towleroad this afternoon. Basically a group called KnowThyNeighbor has complied a list of the 600,000+ people who signed off to get this measure put on the ballot.

I am torn as to whether or not I am happy that they did this.

On one hand you can totally identify all the misinformed bigots around you.

On the other hand, it is bound to get you totally upset!

Morbid curiosity compelled me to search through this list, and I happy to report that Mr. and Mrs. K and Grammy K are no where to be found on it! {claps}

HOWEVER, on the list I unfortunately found my.........

  • Godfather
  • My church's pastor (this isn't a surprise)
  • My childhood soccer coach
  • My High School Trig teacher (who ironically, always used to get labeled as gay by the students b/c he looked and acted like this guy from Will & Grace)
  • My Mom's hairdresser
  • One of my best friends parents
  • Anddd my neighbors from when I lived in Gainesville

    Now, everyone is probably saying "K, who cares about these people, they are totally random and you should just be thankful that your parents and your grandmother are not on the list." Well, ya that's true....but it is so sad to think that all of these people who used to be (and are currently) in my life wouldn't want me to have the same rights as them and their children.

    It is sad really.

    Bruce said...

    That's why it's so important to come out. People who have gays and lesbians in their lives would not sign the petition let alone vote for the amendment. If those people that know and love you knew this would affect you, they would never be a part of it. The more visible we are the more likely we are to get the rights that are coming to us. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now, thank you.

    eliot said...

    Godfather isnt very random.


    Only Mark said...

    moreover...beverly leslie was your math teacher? That must have been interesting!

    Queen of Arts said...

    letting them know you are gay may not change their stance. sometimes it just does not "click" in their brains that you ARE gay and that these issues matter.

    and in the cases of your named acquaintances, keep in mind the power of propogranda and media. the emotional rhetoric used to tout gay marriage or civil unions as "evil" has been incredibly influencial. one theory behind this is that the emotional language used by charismatic, "likeable" people can be so appealing and attractive that the greater public follows along without considering the logic of the statements. with that in mind, perhaps you might think of these people as horribly underinformed.

    Pete said...

    IMO, it's an overrated issue. Yes, I'm in favour of it, but who really cares? We're the first country to have it and only 3300 couples got married so far. It's not like you can't live a normal life without gay marriage. I think it is largely an excuse so certain Republicans can bash certain Democrats and vice versa.

    Equal rights for partners are much more important than this symbolism.

    jay said...

    I don't think my family is devoted enough to sign anything like this, which is good. I can't believe you found so many ppl you know on that list.

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