Friday, February 15, 2008

An Epiphany.....

You know what, I was watching Regis and Kelly this morning and I was lucky enough to catch Ryan Reynolds promoting his new movie Definitely, Maybe.

While watching the segment, I came to the stunning realization that he just might be the most perfect guy ever.

Now granted, he has always been towards the top of my list of "guys I would most like to get jiggy with" but for whatever something clicked in my head and I was there on my bed totally transfixed....

Aside from the obvious fact that he is absolutely gorgeous, he seems so down to earth and unfazed about it. It is so very rare that you find a really good looking guy who doesn't seem to realize that he is stunning....and Ryan definitely gives off that impression.

Now I dunno if this is his act....because after all, he is an actor (LOL) but something tells me that in real life he is a really down to earth guy...and I find that so incredibly attractive.

Not only does he have the look and attitude in spades but he is seriously like one of the most hilarious people ever. He always has something witty and sarcastic to say. I cannot imagine that anyone would ever be bored with him around....

If I had to pick qualities that I would want in a perfect boyfriend...Ryan would definitely have most of them. He is tall, hot, hilarious, down-to-earth, talented, and he seems to really be a genuinely pleasant person.

AND HE IS if he could get any better!!!!!

Dammit Ryan....why aren't you gay?

(As if I would have a chance either way....still nice to dream tho)


JUSTIN said...

As you would say...CO-SIGN!

dickophile said...

he's definitely hot. and that photo wheres his thumb is resting on his lip...yesh. the things he could do to me.

jay said...

I think part of why he doesn't realize his hotness is because he wasn't always this hot. While always cute, if you look of pictures of him from "Two guys and a girl" he has changed quite a bit from then.

Creative Thinker said...

Sweetie -- I have ALWAYS had the hots for Ryan -- and for all the reasons you mentioned. Those eyes.... Go back and scan my blog -- I did a whole post on him a few pages back... He makes me melt...just like buttah...

Matt in Argyle said...

Canadians are hot. nuff said.

Eric said...

Ryan Reynolds looks so much better as a man than he did when he was younger.

He's *so* the type of guy you'd want to bring home.