Monday, January 7, 2008

BLOGGERFEST 2008!!!!!!!


We “gay bloggers” are an interesting group. Whether we’re semi-closeted or out and proud, from sunny California or the chillier regions of Canada, we are all connected. Whether we have been blogging three months or three years, we all seem to be part of a community. Look at any of our blogrolls and it becomes apparent there are far fewer than “six degrees of separation” at work.

Have you ever wanted to meet your blog buddies but wondered if it would ever be possible? Have you dreamed of getting people together but didn’t know how to go about it? We have too, and we have an answer!

Blogger Meet Up 2008!

We propose a gathering of bloggers to be held this summer in Chicago. It would be a chance for many of us to get together, hang out, and have fun in a casual atmosphere. We are thinking of about a 3-day get together, over a weekend in June or July.

Are you interested? Please contact one of us!

Troystopher “Troystopher”
K “I Have to Admit It”
B “Figuring Myself Out”
JR “Nothing Golden Stays”

When contacting us to indicate your interest, let us know of your preferred weekends. Please email us no later than Friday, Feb. 29th so we can get dates set and look for a hotel to accommodate the group. Watch our blogs for additional information as plans progress.

We look forward to hearing from you. Lets make this a fun event!

All our Best,
B, Troy, K and JR


JP Mac said...

I am down... you know that already!

Matt in Argyle said...

Seriously??? Wow, I'd totally be up for that. Great idea!

Jake said...

Great idea if it wasn't that far away!

Pete said...

Interesting. Would love to make it.

Sam. I. Am. said...

I'd love to go!
if only I wasn't on the other side of the atlantic lol

JUSTIN said...

I'll try to make it...I just might find myself in Chicago this Summer!

JBGBC said...

I might be able to make it. Any weekend would be good for me. June would be a better month though.

Sam. I. Am. said...

Actually Sam and I will be in america over the summer... Well it will be new york which Im sure is a long way away... But I mean we would love to meet you all!

Chicago Bi Guy said...

sounds interesting... I'm planning on being in Chicago doing the summer. Would be nice to meet other bloggers.

daveincleveland said...

count me in...............would be awesome

Bruce said...
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Bruce said...

Hey K is this open to only bloggers or can readers/commentors/internet stalkers (hi JR) also attend? haha

K said...

Everyone is welcomed....we want this to be a big event. The more the merrier IMHO.

eliot said...

taking a week off are we?