Of course my friend was having the time of his life................
Silly boy, don’t you realize they are prositutes?
Anyways my attempts at trying to make a run for it were thwarted when he decided that he wanted to hit up the Casino for a couple of rounds of blackjack. Being the pushover that I am, I agreed and we ended up staying for another 45mins or so....the longest of my life BY FAR. When we finally got outside, the shit finally hit tthe fan........
Me: What the fuck where you thinking?
My Friend: What?
Me: Are you serious? Didn't you know it was a WHOREHOUSE?
My Friend: < laughs > Dude, its not just that, its a Bar AND a Casino too!
Me: < glares >
My Friend: Ok ok ok...yea I knew that they were prositutes there as well but I figured it was something that you need to experience......
My Friend: Dude, they are just doing their job....chill the fuck out.
Me: You must be kiddin me right now! You cannot be for real.
My Friend: Dude, we are on vacation...in fucking Costa Rica..we are young and we only live once..I figured it would be fun. You had to experience it.
Me: Why do you keep on saying that? I don’t need to experience prositutes. Who goes to Costa Rica to pick up whores?
My Friend: Bro, I don’t know why you are flipping out. I was trying to do something nice. You’ve seemed so stressed and on edge lately, I figured you could use the stress relief or sumthin....i dunno.
Let me take this moment to note that my friend is honestly one of the coolest, chill and selfless guys that I know. We meet up through some mutual friends Sophmore year at UF and even though we really have nothing in common, we’ve become really close and I can safely say that he is one of my best friends. I can see that he was just trying to do something nice for me which is obviously appriecated, I mean he is operating under the assumption that I am straight....and I suppose straight friends get their friends prositutes to be nice..........
Ok, that was unnecessarly snarky, ill take it back. But I am sure some of you can understand my frustration in my predicament. I mean, here he is, trying to do something nice for me by trying to get me a prostitute (I STILL cannot believe he did that..even as I type it over and over) And he is doing it because he sees that I have been stressed, which can pretty much be attributed to the fact that I'm dealing with coming out. I dunno, probably I should have used the opportunity to come out to him right then and there, but honestly I was just not in the best frame of mind, and I was so disoriented I couldn't think straight (pun intended).
Me: Ok...so maybe I am stressed...but its because I am dealing with a lot of stuff right now. A prostitute isn't gonna help with it.
My Friend: Its whatever, you should have seen your face tho when you realized it was a whorehouse...it was classic.
Me: I'm glad you think it was funny.
My Friend: It totally made my trip actually.
Me: Just as long as you know what you did was sneaky, underhanded...and wrong on so many levels.
My Friend: fine I will give you that...but it was totally worth it < hysterically laughs >
Me: < glares INTENSELY >
Other than that, my trip was incredibly fun and relaxing. I got a chance to zip line in the rainforest, which was hardcore craziness. I pretty much thought I was gonna shit my pants on many occasions, but was totally worth it. We also got a chance to check out the beaches, some waterfalls and of course the Costa Rican nightlife, which was amazing. In addition to all that, we got a chance to stay in some crazy hostels. They were pretty dirty, and the amenities were pretty much non- existent, but who can argue with $10 a night? Plus, its a great way to scope out hot guys from all around the world, sometimes even in various states of undress. HAHA! Anyways, all and all I think that it was definitely one of the best trips I've been on in a while.
And I would recommend it for anyone who has the time.
On another note, I am in the Lincoln Tunnel right now on my way to Manhattan and my pops needs directions, so I'm gonna have to cut this post a bit short. Talk to you later!

LOL...sounds like you had a great trip in the end, minus the detour to the whorehouse...haha. And "I suppose straight friends get their friends prositutes to be nice.........." that's priceless, LMAO
Despite the fact that you werein the best little whorehouse of San Jose, you had a great trip.
At least you can look back and laugh about it. Its not like your friend was a total ass about it... He wanted to be nice.
awww, he was just trying to give you a nice present (in his mind, better than anything santa could deliver) ... i wonder how he would have reacted had you outed yourself.
Awww, I think your friend was just trying to show you a good time.
Sounds like the rest of your trip was good. Wow - zip line in a rain forest sounds awesome.
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