Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Love Her!

Catherine Tate is like the funniest chick out right now.

If you don't know who she is you've gotta get on YouTube and watch her videos. This bitch is hysterical!

She reminds me of this chick who lived in my dorm building when I studied abroad in London. Her name was Sophie and she was the roughest, most unfeminine, Cockney accented chick I've ever run into. Seriously, she was like a rough and tumble man...LOL!

I swear.....trying to understand what the fuck she was saying was like deciphering a foreign language!

AIN'T IT 'THO?!?!?!


OMG, this one is SO OFFENSIVE but it is absolutely hilarious!!!!


JUSTIN said...

"This is not my sandwich!"

Jeff said...

she was pretty good in the last season of doctor who!

jay said...

I was unable to control my laughter, especially at the last vid. So wrong, but so funny!

dit said...

she is very funny! Not BOVVVERED! lol

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, thank you for introducing me!
